The Consortium has completed another upgrade of the Collections Search Hub. Among other enhancements, the search now incorporates finding aids.

The collection will provide materials for research in history of medicine and public health.

The Consortium is delighted to welcome the University of Toronto as its newest member.

The Consortium is delighted to welcome the National Library of Medicine as a new member.

Albert M. Greenfield Fellow Michael McGovern weaves together history of science and the history of civil rights in his examination of the rise of data-driven litigation surrounding issues of racial equality.

The University and Medical Center will both add their respective special collections to the Consortium's research opportunities.

The Library of Congress is now accepting applications for the 2023-2024 National Stereoscopic Association Research Fellowship for research within the Prints & Photographs Division.

Workshop on May 24, 2023
Institute for Social Anthropology (ISA), Austrian Academy of Sciences
Organizers: Dr Eva-Maria Knoll, Medical anthropologist and Senior Researcher at ISA & Dr Vivek Neelakantan, Medical historian, 2023 Brocher Foundation Fellow & ISA Guest Researcher
Keynote: Professor Eric Tagliacozzo, Cornell University

Inspired by its 2023 exhibition Women in Science, the American Philosophical Society is organizing two international conferences that will explore the history of women in science, the present state of science and society, and the opportunities to create a more inclusive and diverse practice of science. The Society’s first gathering will focus on the themes “achievements and barriers,” while the second will focus on “opportunities.” Both conferences aim to examine these themes from historical, contemporary, and interdisciplinary perspectives.  

The Library & Museum of the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia invites applications for sabbatical, postdoctoral, predoctoral, and short-term research fellowships for scholars in the history of science, technology, and medicine working on research projects utilizing its collections.

Caulking seams
Caulking seams between tube sections in Pennsylvania Railroad Hudson River tunnel. Image courtesy of the Hagley Museum and Library.
Caulking seams