History of Evolution and Heredity in Brazil

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Participants at Consortium activities will treat each other with respect and consideration to create a collegial, inclusive, and professional environment that is free from any form of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.

Participants will avoid any inappropriate actions or statements based on individual characteristics such as age, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, nationality, political affiliation, ability status, educational background, or any other characteristic protected by law. Disruptive or harassing behavior of any kind will not be tolerated. Harassment includes but is not limited to inappropriate or intimidating behavior and language, unwelcome jokes or comments, unwanted touching or attention, offensive images, photography without permission, and stalking.

Participants may send reports or concerns about violations of this policy to conduct@chstm.org.

Upcoming Meetings

There are no currently scheduled upcoming events.

Past Meetings

  • June 16, 2021

    June 16, 2021 –“Síndrome Congênita do ZikaVírus, Deficiência e memória da Eugenia” - Alessandra Santana (Federal University of Bahia Ondina)

  • May 12, 2021

    "Gene e desenvolvimento no período pré-Síntese moderna (1926-1931)," Fernanda Arcanjo (PhD student, University of Sao Paulo, Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters at Ribeirão Preto)

  • April 14, 2021

    "Interações interdisciplinares: genética humana e povos indígenas no Brasil” – Rosanna Dent (Rutgers University)

  • November 18, 2020

    Hello everyone!
    (também em português, abaixo)
    Next Wednesday, Claude-Olivier Doron (Université Paris Diderot) is going a speech about "The genetic redefinition of race between science and (science)-fiction: the case of William Boyd." He will speak in English. 
    We are sending a paper by Doron about the subject. 
    Remember: the meeting happens at 12 p.m. (Eastern Time), 2 p.m.(Brasília Time).
    See you next Wednesday!
    Robert Wegner 

    Olá, pessoal!
    Na próxima quarta-feira, Claude-Olivier Doron (Université Paris Diderot), fará a exposição sobre "A redefinição genética da raça entre ciência e (ciência)-ficção: o caso de William Boyd". A apresentação será feita em inglês.
    Estamos enviando um texto escrito por Doron sobre o tema.
    Lembre-se: o encontro ocorre ao meio dia do Leste dos EUA e às 14 horas do horário de Brasília.
    Robert Wegner.


  • September 16, 2020

    William deJong-Lambert, Bronx Community College (CUNY), “Synthesizing a Synthesis: The Relationship between Theodosius Dobzhansky, Andre Dreyfus, Crodowaldo Pavan and Antonio Brito da Cunha”

  • June 17, 2020

    Marcelo Lima Loreto, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Paper: “Breve ensaio sobre política e ciência".

    Dear colleagues, sorry for the delay in attaching the text. It can also be accessed through this link:
    Any questions, just let me know.

    Below is the link to my thesis if you are interested in additional information that is suggested in the attached text.



  • April 15, 2020

    Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins, Universidade de São Paulo. Article: Franco, José Monte Sião. 2007. “As Contribuições de Theodosius Dobzhansky Para o Desenvolvimento Da Genética No Brasil ( 1943-1960 ): Um Estudo Bibliométrico.” Filosofia e História Da Biologia, Porto Alegre 203–25. <http://www.abfhib.org/FHB/FHB-02/FHB-v02-13-Jose-Franco-M-Siao.pdf>

  • February 12, 2020

    Paula Arantes Botelho Briglia Habib, Universidade Federal Fluminense (Infes/UFF), "Breeding, Genetics, and Scientific Dissemination in the Revista de Agricultura (1926-1937)"

  • December 18, 2019

    Hello everyone!
    Today, December 18, I am substituting the old file for a new one.
    Now, you have my paper "The use and abuse of genetic? Agriculture and Eugenics in Brazil and the United States early Twentieth Century" that I will present at noon (EST) [14 horas no Brasil]. To get the paper, click on the "Readings" tab.
    I have just downloaded the English version (pp.1-11) and the Portuguese version (pp.12-23). 
    I apologize for the eventual mistakes in both versions.
    See you soon,
    Robert Wegner, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ) 

Group Conveners

  • William.deJong-Lambert's picture

    William deJong-Lambert

    William deJong-Lambert is a Professor of History at Bronx Community College, CUNY who will be spending the spring semester 2025 teaching at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul as a Fulbright scholar while researching a biography of Theodosius Dobzhansky.  


  • PaulaHabib's picture

    Paula Habib

    Paula Habib is a Professor of History at the Federal University Fluminense (UFF/Brazil). Habib´s research specializes in history of agriculture, genetics, history of biology and eugenics during the first decades of the 20 th century. She holds a Ph.D. in History of Science and Health by Oswaldo Cruz Foundation/Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


  • marcelo.loreto@gmail.com's picture

    Marcelo Lima Loreto

    Visiting Scholar at Columbia University (Institute of Latin American Studies), United
    States. 2022-2023.

    Science journalist working for Folha de São Paulo and other media.
    Research fellow at the Consortium for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine. 2021-2022. Project, here.
    Ph.D. in History of Science by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 2019, Brazil. 
    Dissertation thesis, here.


119 Members