We are delighted to welcome Brown University as a new member of the Consortium. Brown is home to world-class collections relating to the history of science, technology and medicine, including:
- the Williams Table Collection representing Brown’s earliest holdings dating from the founding of the University in 1764, includes works in natural history, medicine, mathematics and the practical arts;
- the Lownes History of Science Collection of 5,000 books on science published since the middle of the 15th century;
- the David E. Pingree Collection on the History of Mathematics and the Exact Sciences on antiquarian and recent books and microfilms focusing on mathematics around the globe; and
- extensive collections related to the history of medicine, botany and engineering, as well as the records of the Ladd Observatory.
Brown's Science, Technology and Society program examines the processes of scientific discovery and the establishment of scientific policies and systems of belief from historical, philosophical, anthropological, and sociological perspectives. Brown's STS program is home to a friendly and lively community that holds regular workshops and colloquia to advance scholarship in the field.
Access to Brown collections will be included in Consortium fellowship applications starting in fall of 2024. We look forward to working with our colleagues at Brown to advance scholarship in the history of science, technology and medicine.