The Consortium is delighted to welcome University of Oklahoma as its newest member. OU is home to one of the oldest programs in the U.S. in history of science, technology and medicine, as well as a premier research collection.

The Consortium invites applications for dissertation and postdoc fellowships in the history of science, technology and medicine, broadly construed.

Scottie Hale Buehler, University of California at Los Angeles
2018 to 2019 Research Fellow

Over 6,600 items are now available for researchers online.

A dedicated research portal offers new opportunities for scholars working on the history of 19th-century medicine

Listings of more than 136,000 rare books are now part of the Consortium's multi-institutional catalog.

These papers will add to the APS's holdings on the history of twentieth-century science.

This volume highlights some of the most significant sundials in the Adler's collections, and provides information for both specialists and non-specialists.

Elaine Ayers, Princeton University
2018 to 2019 Albert M. Greenfield Research Fellow

Listings of more than 1,000 rare books on the history of science are now integrated into our multi-institutional catalog.

early lithograph
An early lithograph from the Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, volume 1, 1817. Image courtesy of The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University.