
  • Matteo Bortolini

    University of Padova, Italy
    - Research Fellow

    The Effective Look of Things: A Two-Tier Biography of Clifford Geertz

  • Kristy Bowers

    University of Missouri
    - Research Fellow

    Ordinary or Dangerous Pestilence? Defining New Diseases in Early Modern Spain

  • Emma Broder

    Harvard University
    - Research Fellow

    The Anatomy of the Epidemic: Contested Illness in Twentieth Century America

  • Tad Brown

    University of Cambridge
    - Research Fellow

    Fats from Seed: Chemistry, Peanut Breeding, and Food Science

  • Lydia Crafts

    Manhattan College
    - NEH Postdoctoral Fellow

    “Little Empire”: Medicine, Public Health and Human Experimentation in 20th Century Central America

  • Charles Davidson

    University of Florida
    - Research Fellow

    Battlefields of Mind and Matter: Psychological Warfare and the Cold War Struggle for the Body, Mind, and Soul in Guatemala

  • Anna Doel

    Independent Scholar
    - Research Fellow

    Friends in Odd Places: U.S.-Soviet Scientific Contacts during the Cold War

  • Salem Elzway

    University of Southern California, Society of Fellows in the Humanities
    - Research Fellow

    Race Against the Robots: Artificial Intelligence and Inequality in Postwar America

  • Alfredo Escudero

    Florida International University
    - Research Fellow

    The Land is the Laboratory: Indigenous Labor, Land Inspections and the Engineering of the Colonial Andes

  • Sam Franz

    University of Pennsylvania
    - Research Fellow

    From Computing Centers to Computer Science: The Political Economy of US Universities and the Rise of Computing, 1930-1990

  • Adriana Fraser

    University of Pennsylvania
    - Research Fellow

    Making Danger: biological weapons research, biosafety, and the management of microbial life, 1940-1990

  • Cory Gatrall

    Elaine Marieb College of Nursing at UMass Amherst
    - Research Fellow

    Race, Racism, and Reproduction in Public Health Nursing, 1900-1940

  • Robert Hancock

    University of Victoria
    - Research Fellow

    Indigenous Anthropologists and the Emergence of Native American and Indigenous Studies in the 1960s and 1970s

  • William Krause

    Vanderbilt University
    - Research Fellow

    "Scientific Genius: A Cultural and Intellectual History of the Idea in Modern America, 1880-1990"

  • Jingwen Li

    Princeton University
    - Research Fellow

    A Phantom History of Phantom Ocular Impairment (1830-1930)

  • Jonathan MacDonald

    Brown University
    - Research Fellow

    Expert Advice: Mediating Social Science’s Public Aspirations, 1930-1965

  • Elizabeth Maher

    University of Illinois at Chicago
    - Research Fellow

    Building Mechanical Boys: What Autism History Tells us about Constructions of Race, Disability, Gender and Class in the Mid-20th Century United States

  • Samantha Muka

    Stevens Institute of Technology
    - NEH Postdoctoral Fellow

    Conservation and Marine Pollution in the New York Bight, 1960-present

  • Samm Newton

    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    - Keith S. Thomson Research Fellow

    Expert Enclosure

  • Nidia Olvera Hern ndez

    Radboud University
    - Research Fellow

    Traditional Uses of Mexican Psychoactive Plants. From the Creation of a National Pharmacopeia to Ethnographical Collections 1900-1957

  • Yovanna Pineda

    University of Central Florida
    - Research Fellow

    Spectacular Bodies: Aesthetics of Labor & Technology in Argentina, 20th Century

  • Magnus Schaefer

    McGill University
    - Research Fellow

    The Early Digital: From Statistical Prediction to Digital Signal Processing, 1951–1969

  • Tanya Sheehan

    Colby College
    - Albert M. Greenfield Research Fellow

    After Harlem Hospital: Modern Medicine and African American Art

  • Jeannie Shinozuka

    Washington State University
    - Research Fellow

    Model Minority Intelligence: Race, Education, & Citizenship, 1910-1965

  • Alistair Sponsel

    - Emanuel Fellow

    Documenting traditional knowledge of coral reefs in the Society Islands and the Tuamotu Archipelago

  • Katherine White

    University of California, San Diego Department of History, Science Studies Program
    - Research Fellow

    Anatomy and the Search for Natural Man


  • Evan Bonney

    Centre for History (CHSP), Sciences Po
    - Research Fellow

    Forests and Power in the United States Empire, 1891-1914

  • Peter Braden

    Ph.D., Department of History, University of California-San Diego
    - Emanuel Fellow

    Collateral Killing: Humans, Rodents, and the Making of the Life Sciences in China, 1940-1980

  • Lu Chen

    Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health, University of Exeter
    - Research Fellow

    Alternative Road to Alma-Ata: Social Medicine and Socialist Medicine Roots of Primary Health Care from the Third World

  • Laura Clerx

    Ph.D. Candidate, History, Boston College
    - Research Fellow

    Nature's Properties: Science and Commerce in Early America, 1780-1850

  • Al Coppola

    John Jay College, CUNY
    - Albert M. Greenfield Research Fellow

    Enlightenment Visibilities

  • Julia Cummiskey

    Department of History, University of Tennessee Chattanooga
    - Research Fellow

    Selling Wellness: Marketing Materials, Behaviors, and Services for Improved Health in Modern Africa

  • Warren Dennis

    PhD candidate in History, Boston University
    - Research Fellow

    "Politically Inspired Scarcity": Energy and Masculinity in the Post-OAPEC Era

  • Isabela Dornelas

    Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
    - Research Fellow

    Follow the Thread: a comparative history of absorbable materials in suture

  • Suvendu Ghatak

    Department of English, University of Florida
    - Research Fellow

    Malaria and the Political Ecology of Development in Twentieth-century South Asia

Fellows Updates

Derek Nelson

Derek received the 2024 Edward Gerjuoy/John Michell Award from the History of Science Society.

Hannah Anderson

Hannah was appointed Assistant Professor of History at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

Emma Schroeder

Emma has been appointed Assistant Professor in the History Department at the University of Tennessee.

Michelle Frank

Michelle received an NEH Public Scholar award for 2024-2025 to support her research on Chien-Shiung Wu and the history of physics. Michelle also co-edited with Daniela Monaldi, Margriet van der Heijden and Patrick Charbonneau, Women in the History of Quantum Physics: Beyond Knabenphysik (in press with Cambridge University Press and expected to arrive mid-2025).

Tina Jiemin Wei

Tina published two articles:
“Amazon Mechanical Turk: Social Science’s Labor Problem,” Labor: Studies in Working-Class History 21, no. 3 (2024): 6–34, https://doi.org/10.1215/15476715-11199970.
“Prescribing Information: Elizabeth B. Connell, the Pill, and the (Woman) Patient’s Peace of Mind” The Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1093/jhmas/jrae032.

Sam Schirvar

Sam discussed "Manufacturing Self-Determination: Industry on Native American Reservations" on the Hagley Museum and Library's History Hangouts podcast.

Eve Buckley

Eve published “Unequal Encounters: Debating Resource Scarcity, Population, and Hunger in the early Cold War,” in Adam Warren, Julia E. Rodríguez, and Stephen Casper, eds., Empire, Colonialism, and the Human Sciences: Troubling Encounters in the Americas and Pacific. Cambridge University Press, 2024.

Sam Franz

Sam published "Interaction as Training: Computing Center Misuse at the University of Michigan" in the Charles Babbage Institute's publication, Interfaces.

Joseph Martin

In 2024, Joe assumed the chair of the editorial board of Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. With Michael Barton and Greg Radick, he co-edited The Correspondence of John Tyndall, Volume 13 (Pittsburgh, 2024), covering the period of Tyndall’s lecture tour of the United States in 1872–73. Funded by a Royal Society APEX Award, he is currently conducting a project on the history of soft matter physics.

Heewon Kim

Heewon published "Paul Ekman and the Search For the Isolated Face in the 1960s" in the Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jhbs.22322?af=R
The essay examines the detailed process of isolated facial data from the context of its emergence through the works of psychologist Paul Ekman in the 1960s. It explores how Ekman's data practices have been developed, criticized, and compromised within the political and intellectual landscape during his early career. The article was made possible through Heewon's visits to the Consortium institutions, including the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Smithsonian Institution, the Library of Congress, the National Library of Medicine, and the American Philosophical Society Library and the University of Pennsylania.